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Multiple product table support

This feature can categorize and organize line items into multiple product tables in Oneflow contracts based on HubSpot line item properties (i.e. by product type). This eliminates the need for manual grouping, resulting in higher efficiency.

Enable and configure multiple product tables.

  1. Navigate to Oneflow settings in HubSpot.
  2. Click on the Product configurations tab, then click on the toggle to enable the feature.

  3. From the “Group line items based on” dropdown, select a line item property/column by which you would like to group your line items. For instance, if you select a property "Product type" items such as "Services, Inventory, and Non-Inventory", then you can group line items into separate product tables based on these categories.


    Only properties with the following HubSpot property types can be selected as a Group by property/column.
    • Multiple checkbox
    • Single checkbox
    • Dropdown select
    • Radio select

  4. Click on Save to finalize the product configuration.
  5. You can now create contracts with multiple product tables, and line items grouped into different product tables in Oneflow.

Create contracts with multiple product tables

When the 'multiple product table support' feature is enabled, the Create contract page includes a panel titled 'Group line items by [line item property]' (i.e. product type).

  1. Open a deal in HubSpot.
  2. From the Oneflow widget, click on Create contract.
  3. Select a workspace, then select a template containing multiple product tables. The product tables available in the selected template will be displayed in the panel.
  4. For each product table in the list, click on Group by to add property values. For instance, if you wish to transfer line items with a Product type of ‘Inventory’ to 'Product table 1' in your Oneflow contract, then select 'Inventory' from the Group by dropdown.

  5. Click on Create contract. The line items in your HubSpot deal will be transferred to their designated product table groups in the contract.

Push line item updates to multiple product tables

When pushing changes made to line items in HubSpot to Oneflow product tables:

  • If you added new line items to your deal, ensure they have a "group by" property value (i.e. that the column you are grouping line items by is filled and populated for each new line item added).
  • Any new "group by" values (product types) can be mapped either to an existing product table or an unmapped product table in the contract.
  • For instance, consider a scenario where you initially created the contract with line items belonging to ‘Inventory’, and ‘Services’ product types in different product tables, however, you then assigned some line items to the ‘Non-inventory’ product type. During a push operation, you can transfer the line items with the 'Non-inventory' product type to the same product table having products with the 'Inventory' product type, or assign the ‘Non-inventory’ line items to a separate product table (if one is available in your contract).


When creating contracts

No product tables were found

To use the Multiple product table feature, ensure your Oneflow template contains more than one product table.

  1. In Oneflow, go to Templates and create a new template or open an existing template to use in HubSpot.
  2. Alternatively, click on Template library, select a template, and click on Confirm.
  3. In the Settings tab, Template group field, select HubSpot.
  4. Add multiple product table sections to the template. You may add additional sections as well (such as PDF documents).
  5. When you're done with creating the template, click Save template changes.
  6. Click on the three dots menu, then select Publish template.

When pushing updates

Some [Group by column] values remain unmapped to Oneflow product tables. These line items will not be transferred to the contract.

  • Line items not assigned to any product table will not be transferred to the contract. When trying to create a contract, a warning message is displayed if you have unmapped property values (i.e. line items in the HubSpot deal that have not been assigned to any product table).
  • To ensure all line items are transferred, assign all property values to the product tables available in the template.

Some line items in the HubSpot deal contain empty [Group by column] values. These line items will not be transferred to the contract.

  • Edit the deal's line items ensuring that each line item has a corresponding value in the Group by column. For instance, if you selected the "Product type" property as the group by column, then ensure that each line item in the deal has a product type value (i.e. Inventory, Services, etc.).

Line items cannot be transferred because the grouping column is empty, deleted, or inaccessible. Please ensure the grouping column has valid values for grouping.

This may be because the 'Group by' column you initially selected has been deleted, or is empty and does not contain any values. To resolve this issue:

  • If the column was deleted: go to Oneflow settings > Product configurations and select a new Group by column.
  • If the Group by column exists, however, does not contain any values, then edit the deal's line items ensuring that each line item has a corresponding value in the group by column.

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