Oneflow x Talentech ReachMee can help you reach new efficiencies in your ATS contract flows.
- To install and set up the Oneflow integration for Talentech ReachMee for the first time, you need a Oneflow and a Talentech ReachMee account with administrative privileges.
- You need to use the same email for your Talentech ReachMee and Oneflow accounts.
- We recommend signing in to your Talentech ReachMee and Oneflow accounts before starting the setup process.
To set up the Oneflow x Talentech ReachMee integration perform the following.
Configure Oneflow
Navigate to the Oneflow Marketplace, then click on Talentech under HR & Recruitment.
Enable Talentech ReachMee by clicking on the Enable button on the page.
A unique Oneflow token will be generated and displayed in a popup. Copy this token and securely save it for future use.
Configure Talentech ReachMee
- Open your browser and navigate to the Customers page in Talentech ReachMee.
Click on the Connect button for 'Oneflow hire production'.
Navigate back to the Talentech ReachMee tab or page and paste the Oneflow token into the designated field.
Click on Submit. Upon successful authentication, a green notification will be displayed stating "Successfully connected to Oneflow hire production".
Create a template in Oneflow.
To create contracts, you'll need to ensure your Oneflow account contains at least one Talentech ReachMee template.
- Click on the Templates icon from the side panel. Click on + Create template or open an existing template. Alternatively, you may also select a template from the Template library.
Click on the current template name, then enter a new name for your template (i.e. “Talentech ReachMee default Template”).
From the Template settings pane, open the ‘Select template group’ drop-down, then select Talentech Template.
Optionally, you can add data fields to your template. To learn more, see, Add data fields to a text section and Add data fields to a form section. This can increase convenience by automatically filling in data that’s already in Talentech ReachMee when the contract is created (i.e. a candidate’s first name, last name, email, etc.).
Click on Save template changes.
After saving the changes, click on the Publish button on the top.
Great job! You can now create contracts from Talentech ReachMee.
Add data fields to a text section
Position the cursor to the place in the template where you want to add a data field to.
Click on the Insert data-field icon to add a data field.
Select the Talentech ReachMee data field you wish to link from the dropdown. (Upon contract creation, the candidate’s data will be transferred from the Talentech ReachMee field to the data fields in the contract.)
Click on Confirm to add the data field to the template.
- Double-click on the data field to customize its placeholder text and other attributes and click Confirm.
- Repeat these steps for each data field you want to link.
Add data fields to a form section
To customize data fields within a form section, perform the following.
- Click on the form field to edit the field’s name and the Talentech ReachMee data field it is linked to.
From the Data field dropdown, select a Talentech ReachMee data field you wish to link. (Upon contract creation, the candidate’s data will be transferred from the Talentech ReachMee field to the data fields in the contract.)
Click Save.
To add another row of fields to the form section, or to customize form options, click on the cog icon near the form section.
Repeat these steps for each data field you want to link.
Create a contract
Provided you have at least one template assigned to the Talentech ReachMee template group in Oneflow, you can create contracts for candidates in Talentech ReachMee.
Navigate to the Project page in Talentech ReachMee.
Select one or more candidates from a project using the checkboxes.
Click the three dots button in the lower toolbar and select and click on Send contract.
Information:You may create multiple contracts for multiple candidates at once, however, a single template will be applied to all contracts.
Fill in the Oneflow contract data form to match your preferences.
Contract name: enter a name for your contract.
Note:When selecting multiple candidates to create contracts, all contracts will be generated using a single template. You can update individual contract details later in Oneflow if needed.
- Workspace and template: select a Oneflow template to create your contract from. All templates assigned to the Talentech ReachMee template group in all Oneflow workspaces will be listed in the dropdown. Templates are displayed as “Workspace name - Template name”.
- Send contract with invitation: enable this checkbox if you wish to send a 'signing invitation' to the candidate immediately.
- Subject for sign invitation: enter an email subject line for the sign invitation.
Message for sign invitation: enter an email message body for the sign invitation.
- Note:
If the 'Send contract with invitation' checkbox is enabled, you must complete the 'SUBJECT FOR SIGN INVITATION' and 'MESSAGE FOR SIGN INVITATION' fields before sending the contract. If these fields are left blank, the contract will not be created successfully.
- Once all fields are filled to match your preferences, click on Send.
- You can use the View Contract button located in the Contract tab of the candidate's profile to open the contract directly in Oneflow.
The Process column of the candidate will change along with the stage of the Oneflow contract.
The exact stage of the contract is shown in the Status Message field.
The candidate’s "ACTION" in Talentech ReachMee (in the Contract tab) will correspond to the contract's status in Oneflow.
Oneflow contract stage | ACTION |
Draft | In progress |
Pending | In progress |
Signed | Completed |
Declined | Rejected |